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Mandela on peace of mind

“I have always believed that exercise is not only a key to physical health but to peace of mind. Many times in the old days I unleashed my anger and frustration on a punching bag rather than taking it out on a comrade or even a policeman. Exercise dissipates tension, and tension is the enemy of serenity. I found that I worked better and thought more clearly when I was in good physical condition, and so training became one of the inflexible disciplines of my life. In prison, having an outlet for one’s frustrations was absolutely essential.”

– Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

A brief – and little known – reflection to remember how important it is to take care of our body and mind. This is essential not only to keep healthy, but also to “dissipates tension, […] the enemy of serenity.”

How are you able to take care of yourself and dissipate tension under stressful and difficult conditions?


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